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Pursuant to the directive of His Grace, Most Rev. Archbishop John Wong, the Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC) for Sacred Heart Cathedral, Church of Mary Immaculate and Church of St. Paul Dontozidon were dissolved on 18th June 2023. However, the PPC members shall continue serving as Caretakers until a new PPC is formed.

NOMINATION period is on 2nd and 9th July 2023 (Sundays). The nomination forms are available at the Church entrance and parish office. The completed nomination form will not require the consent of the nominee. After filling in, please return the form into the Nomination Box at the church entrance or Parish office.

There are 2 types of nomination:

(a) From Group: Every parish group, community, movement, committee, sub-parish, outstation zone, BEC and so forth is encouraged to nominate not more than 2 names from among their members. They can even nominate someone from another group.

(b) From Individual: Any individual parishioner above 18 years old can nominate.

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